The past 7 weeks have been very busy onsite for Yarrah Stage 1 civil works with substantial rainfall experienced over September and October. Initial site works included the installation of safety, environmental and erosion controls plus the site compound. Rainfall over the period made work initially slow until the majority of topsoil was stripped in early October. Since all topsoil has been stripped the site has been holding up really well enabling works to proceed very quickly after rain events. At the start of October cut and filling works commenced and as of week 7, 50% of this activity has been completed. We’re starting to get excited as hints of the Stage 1 form are starting to take shape.
Works onsite have included:
Installation and monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls;
Site establishment;
Clearing & grubbing;
Completion of topsoil stripping;
Commencement of earthworks cut and fill;
Material procurement.